Gospel Study
Here is an overview of a gospel study method (system) for teaching children in the home. For the basic structure, see the youth and primary programs for the LDS Church.
See current Primary sharing time themes for the year for your monthly themes.
They are available here .
The youth curriculum is now organized in monthly themes! You can co-ordinate your monthly gospel study topics with theirs found here or here .
“…we should build a consistent, planned program of introducing the principles of the gospel [to our children]…Of course there are other organizations that can help, but we should want to be certain that we know what they are learning, and that we take the time and have the patience to determine carefully and in a planned, organized way, that they are growing up with a sure foundation on which to build their lives.”
Elder L. Tom Perry Ensign Nov. l988
“Do not be discouraged because you cannot learn all at once; learn one thing at a time, learn it well, and treasure it up, then learn another truth and treasure that up, and in a few years you will have a great store of useful knowledge which will not only be a great blessing to yourselves and your children, but to your fellow men.”
G. Homer Durham, Discourses of Wilfred Woodruff, Bookcraft, l969)
G. Homer Durham, Discourses of Wilfred Woodruff, Bookcraft, l969)
1. Plan to focus on a gospel principle each month. Discuss and pray what and how to teach, what resources are available, and what you want to have happen each month.