Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Scripture Glue-ins/NOTES

Scripture glue-ins (the way we use them) are simply a small paper glued (we use a glue stick) into scriptures with information written or copied onto them.  One one side is the scripture reference (and the place the glue-in will be glued in your scriptures), a quote from a prophet or one of the twelve (we stick to these references) with the place the quote is found listed.  On the other side (which is blank to begin with), you can write reminders for a story from your own experience or another's, scripture cross references, and other references.  this way, by using only your scriptures, you can give quite a sermon!  This idea is wonderful for children to adults - especially as you add personal experiences to life which are connected to an activity and/or experience you have had and can relate to illustrate and bear witness of a gospel truth.  One way to add depth to this method, is to close your "talk" with your testimony of the principle, and a challenge to live it. Click here for ideas to incorporate and relate personal and family activities to gospel study, and create experiences to share and illustrate a gospel principle.
Click here for ideas in this blog to use this method (scripture notes) with the principles found in PREACH MY GOSPEL. See the side bar for specific ideas for each of the topics/principles.